Blockchain For Mobile Apps: Benefits, Use Cases and Future Trends

Blockchain For Mobile Apps Benefits, Use Cases and Future Trends

by admin ,May 16, 2023

Blockchain is a transcendent and game-changing technology. Blockchain-based mobile apps offer secure and transparent solutions to users. Mobile apps built using blockchain development services will incorporate various features like smart contracts, decentralized storage, and immutability. The future of mobile app development in India is integrated with blockchain technology. This article will provide in-depth information about the benefits of the blockchain-based app, use cases, and more. With this information, anyone can build their own blockchain-based help with an expert blockchain software development company.

How Does Blockchain Work?

Blockchain is distributed ledger technology that allows secure and transparent transactions without any intermediary. It offers many features like a decentralized ledger, smart contracts, immutability, and more. Blockchain offers a wide range of use cases in many industries that require a secure platform, tamper proof data, and automation.

Currently, many companies are leveraging blockchain technology to build mobile apps. This will open doors for innovative, secure, and safe platforms for users to send and receive information, money, or other activities. To understand this, first, we need to learn more about the benefits of Blockchain in mobile app development.

The Benefit of Blockchain in Mobile App Development

  • Security

Blockchain offers the highest level of security through its cryptographic algorithm. In addition, Blockchain provides security for the data, which cannot be altered or tampered with. With decentralization, all data is safely saved on a distributed network of nodes, which makes it difficult to steal or hack.

Blockchain can solve the biggest issue faced by every smartphone owner around the world regarding their data privacy and security. In recent years, mobile apps have been trying to tighten the noose around data security and privacy, and that’s where Blockchain can help. With its cryptographic algorithm, we can keep the data secure. Only the authorized person is allowed to access certain data points. This will also eliminate any data breaches or hacking issues with financial apps. Apart from that, we can hire blockchain developer to build a platform which is a combination of public and private blockchain to enhance security.

  • Transparency

Blockchain technology offers transparency in tracking. This feature is useful for financial applications where users can access clear and open records of their transactions easily. Users can now track and verify data transactions in real-time. But why do mobile app users need transparency? Because it builds trust and accountability between users and mobile app providers.

Blockchain offers transparency through a decentralized network and immutability. Users can track their data through blocks and only access the information which is available to them. Immutability offers an extra layer of transparency as all data is tamper-proof and safe from outside reach.

  • Decentralization

Decentralization refers to distributing data and controls across the network of nodes instead of relying on a central authority. When a single entity does not control a network, it reduces the risk of a single-point-of-failure attack and makes sure that it’s more resilient.

Decentralization offers many benefits to mobile app development and users. It will increase security against cyber-attacks and data breaches. All the data in a blockchain is distributed, which limits the system’s compromise and vulnerability. Apart from that, it reduces the cost of accessing data as the user does not require an intermediary. With Blockchain, users can conduct transactions directly with the app.

  • Immutability

Immutability in Blockchain means once the data is recorded, no one can alter or delete it. It will enhance a mobile app’s security measures by ensuring that all data is tamper-proof. All data is stored in a series of blocks; each block contains a unique cryptographic hash of the previous block, which creates a secure chain of transactions.

Also, it promotes accountability and transparency. All recorded data is in a transparent immutable ledger and users can track and access it to verify the transaction. Many industries like health care and finance look for auditability for regulatory compliance. It needs accurate and secure data records available through an immutable blockchain.

  • Trust

In the age of privacy and security concerns, trust should be a fundamental aspect of every mobile app. There are several ways. Blockchain enhances users’ trust in a mobile app. With decentralization, it eliminates central authority and provides protection against data breaches. It will increase the user’s confidence in the app.

Apart from that, Blockchain offers smart contracts, which are self-executing commands. It will enable easy and frictionless transactions for the user without any third-party interference. Also, it will reduce transaction fees and offers a better and more secure way to access data and send information through the app.

  • Cost-effective

Most mobile app users tend to prefer a budget-friendly option over other features. Blockchain can help mobile app developers build cost-effective apps that provide better security and save expenses. There are several ways Blockchain can reduce the cost of the transaction, data storage, identity, and authorization management for the users.

There are no intermediaries in Blockchain, which reduces transaction fees. It will also help app developers as they don’t need to pay hefty charges too. Decentralized storage solutions offer better services and security at a lower cost. By using blockchain-based identity, they can save identity and authorization management expenses while keeping the data secure.

Read Also: How to Build Finance Mobile App with Blockchain

Use cases of Blockchain in Mobile Apps

  • Cryptocurrency Wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets are one of the most popular use cases, among others. The wallet allows users to securely store, manage and exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. According to Grand View Research, the current market size of crypto wallets is at $10.27 billion in 2023, and it’s expected to reach $48.27 billion by 2023.

One of the main reasons behind the meteoritic rise of crypto wallets is the decentralized ledger which allows users to send and receive cryptocurrency without any intermediary. It also eliminates the central authority like banks or payment processors. It is secure and transparent, and users have full control over their funds with crypto wallets.

  • Healthcare Records

Healthcare systems need to deal with a large amount of data securely, which is why Blockchain can enhance the experience using mobile apps. Healthcare records contain sensitive and confidential information about patients. This includes their medical history, diagnosis, treatments, and medication. Blockchain offers a better and more secure platform to store and access this data without any issue of an illegal data breach.

Blockchain can offer a better solution for patients to access their data using an app. It will keep the data secure from any authorized access and provide tamper-proof and immutable transactions. With smart contracts, patients can receive medical insurance payments instantly. Blockchain will protect the privacy of the patients by using cryptographic algorithms. Companies like FarmaTrust, MediLedger, and more are already employing blockchain technology in the healthcare sectors.

  • Digital Identity Verification

It refers to verifying a person’s identity through digital means with Blockchain. With digital identity verification, a user can store their personal information like name, address, government issue ID, and more digitally. Blockchain offers ironclad security, which can reduce identity theft and other cybercrime.

With blockchain technology, sharing your digital identity will become easier, more secure, and transparent. We can share our blockchain-based digital identity with services like banking, healthcare, or education without giving them any personal information. Blockchain in mobile can offer a wide range of solutions to users who need to share their personal information for finance or banking services.

  • Voting System

Traditional voting systems have lots of issues and security concerns such as voter fraud, ballot tampering, and more. The blockchain voting system can change how we vote and make it more secure and transparent. Although we are a long way from using Blockchain in our national election, there are many other places where we can utilize Blockchain for voting using mobile apps.

One of the biggest advantages of using Blockchain for voting is accessibility. Anyone can vote from anywhere using any device without visiting a polling station physically. Also, it is more accurate and transparent than a traditional voting system. We can verify the information, and all the data is immutable, making it harder to dispute or challenge the result.

  • Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is already leveraging Blockchain to solve their issue. With traditional supply chain management, there are many concerns regarding transparency, traceability, and efficiency. Blockchain can address all these issues and offers a secure, decentralized, and transparent platform.

Blockchain provides temper proof data and better traceability so that we can check the transaction records for any issues. They also eliminate the intermediary for payment, which will save costs and increase trust between parties. Blockchain also offers real-time tracking, which is better than traditional tracking.

Also Read: How To Hire a Hybrid Blockchain App Developer?

Challenges of Implementing Blockchain in Mobile Apps

  • Scalability

One of the biggest issues mobile app developer’s faces is Blockchain’s scalability. Mobile apps are used by millions of users all around the world, and currently, blockchains are a bit too slow and resource intensive. This will create an issue for large-scale transactions or real-time processing on a big scale.

Companies need a robust system that can manage millions of transactions and requests on a daily basis. Apart from that, Blockchain uses too much energy and processing power that it might be impossible to utilize it in a mobile app. However, blockchain development companies are already working toward solving this issue, but it is still in the infancy stage.

  • Complexity

Blockchain technology is complex and integrating it with mobile apps requires specialized skills and experience. Mobile app development relies on different technologies, programming languages, and tools to build the highest quality application. While Blockchain is not new, there are only a handful of expert blockchain app developers in the market that can build mobile apps with Blockchain.

Apart from that, Blockchain uses a consensus mechanism to verify transactions. This resource-intensive process takes a lot of energy and computational power. Mobile app developers need to make sure that blockchain-based apps are able to reach consensus quickly without compromising security.

  • Interoperability

Interoperability in terms of Blockchain refers to different platforms or networks communicating with each other seamlessly. There are many hurdles to implementing Blockchain into mobile app development with interoperability. For example, different blockchain networks have different protocols. It will make it difficult for mobile apps to communicate with different networks.

Apart from that, governance is also a major issue. Every network has a different governance model, structure, and decision-making process. This will limit the communication for blockchain-based mobile apps to access other networks.

  • Regulation

Regulation is a major concern for every blockchain developer and company. There are many challenges for blockchain-based applications as most countries don’t recognize the way it is implemented. There are many issues to overcome, including jurisdiction. Mobile apps need to be a global entity, but many countries have different rules and regulations for Blockchain, which can limit their reach.

Apart from that, there are also serious concerns over intellectual property protection which refers to the protection of digital assets. Additionally, crypto-based apps are raising many questions in different countries as they do not obey any banking or movement regulations. That’s why it needs to pass the anti-money laundering regulation and make sure that all transactions are legal.

  • Cost

Blockchain-based mobile apps are a bit costlier than traditional apps. Building a blockchain app will require expert developers, and it will take time to test and refine it. This will make it costlier compared to traditional apps. Companies need to invest in better infrastructures, hardware, tools, and software to build robust and secure applications.

Apart from that, it will cost extra for maintenance and support. Solving complex issues, fixing bugs, and releasing new updates for blockchain-based applications is quite an expensive endeavor. Just like traditional apps, developers need to integrate them with other third-party services, which will, in turn, be a bit harder and more expensive. That’s why most companies are looking forward to hire blockchain app developers in India.

Future of Blockchain in Mobile App Development

  • Emerging Technology

Blockchain is a futuristic technology that will bring forth more innovation in the upcoming years. One of them is integrating emerging technology with mobile apps through Blockchain. Currently, we are already witnessing DeFi, NFTs, and more in blockchain-based applications. In the future, we can integrate AI, IoT, AR, and VR with mobile apps by building blockchain-based applications.

Currently, many blockchain software uses AI and ML to solve issues for their customers in the fields of healthcare or supply chain management. By leveraging 5G, we can use cloud computing to build apps supporting resource-intensive AI and VR technology directly from a mobile app. It will eliminate the issue of slow transactions or device limitations, which will allow the developer to build a mobile app that can perform more functions using emerging technology.

  • Potential Impact on Industries

Once Blockchain is adopted globally, we will see a significant impact on many sectors. For example, everyone can send and receive money through a blockchain app without opening a bank account which will add to financial inclusion. Also, it will improve the healthcare sector by keeping the data secure and reducing the waiting period.

It will also change the way we think about privacy. Blockchain will keep our data secure from any data breach and hacking. We can use any application without sharing our personal information. It will bring major changes in supply chain management where transactions will become transparent and traceable.

  • Green Blockchain

Currently, blockchains use large amounts of energy for computational power, which is not energy sufficient. However, many companies have taken steps to solve this issue by adopting solutions that minimize the environmental impact of blockchain technology.

One of them is relying on renewable energies like solar or wind power. We can use renewable power sources to operate blockchain networks which will solve many issues. Apart from that, many companies are changing the way they use blockchain consensus algorithms. The traditional Proof of Work requires a significant amount of energy to solve complex problems. By utilizing proof of stake and other energy-efficient consensus mechanisms, we will lower the carbon footprint and build a green blockchain-based mobile app.


The Blockchain era is here, and it will revolutionize the way we operate and develop mobile applications. From offering tamper proof data to better traceability to a safe and secure environment, Blockchain has everything. By employing blockchain development services, we can build a transparent and secure mobile application that can protect users’ data from any hacking attempt. In this article, we have provided information regarding the benefits of Blockchain, uses cases, and the future of Blockchain in mobile app development. If you are looking for a blockchain software development company, look no further than MAADI. They have expert and experienced blockchain developers who can turn your dream of a blockchain app into reality.