The Cost of Building a Live Streaming App: Your Ultimate Guide

Live streaming app development

by admin ,March 29, 2024

When you think of a live streaming app development, what comes to mind? Instagram Live Stories, TikTok, Facebook Live, or Twitch TV? Or maybe you think of on-demand services like Netflix or Hulu.

While those are valid examples, it’s important to note that in the 21st century, video stream app development has become an integral part of systems used by businesses/startups across various industries.

If you’re considering developing a live streaming app, you may be wondering: how much does it cost to create a live streaming app?

Well, on average, live streaming app development can cost anywhere from $35,000 to $200,000.

So, in this comprehensive guide, we’ll outline the steps on how to create a streaming service app, discuss the factors that influence live streaming costs, and provide real-world examples to help you better understand the process.

Let’s get started!

What is a Live Streaming App?

Live streaming is a method of transmitting video or audio content over the internet.

It enables people to watch the content as it happens on their online or mobile devices.

It allows you to easily broadcast and share live events, performances, presentations, and other types of information.

However, as internet speeds have improved, live streaming development has grown in popularity.

It has enabled real-time engagement between content creators and audiences while also developing relationships, entertainment, and providing opportunities where business can utilize live streaming apps to make money.

Why Has Live Streaming Become Important Today?

Own network live streaming has become increasingly important for businesses/ startups due to the following reasons: –

1. Improved Brand Awareness and Reach

video streaming application development allows businesses to expand their reach beyond geographical limitations, reaching a global audience through platforms like YouTube and Twitch.

It fosters authentic brand storytelling by showcasing behind-the-scenes glimpses, team member interviews, and live events, fostering deeper connections and building brand loyalty.

2. Increased Engagement and Interaction

Developing a streaming app can create an interactive environment where viewers can ask questions and get real-time responses, building a sense of community and engagement.

This two-way communication allows startups to gather valuable feedback and insights directly from their audience, helping them refine their products and services.

Meanwhile it also allows startups to use these live streaming apps to make money.

3. Effective Product and Service Demonstration

Live streaming development offers a dynamic and immersive way to showcase products and services.

Through developing a streaming app, businesses can conduct live product demonstrations, answer customer questions in real time, and create a sense of excitement and anticipation around new offerings.

4. Cost-Effective Marketing and Promotion

Compared to traditional marketing channels, video stream apps can be a more cost-effective way to reach a large audience.

Platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Live are readily available and often free to use, making them accessible even for startups with limited budgets.

5. Valuable Content Creation and Lead Generation

Video stream app can be repurposed into on-demand content like videos and podcasts, extending their reach and lifespan.

Companies can utilize a live mobile application to capture leads by offering exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products to viewers who register or subscribe.

Live Streaming App Development: Market Overview

Live streaming development market size was valued at USD 55.4 Billion in 2022.

The Live Streaming market industry is projected to grow from USD 71.63 Billion in 2023 to USD 559.62 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.30% during the forecast period (2023 – 2032).

Live Streaming App market
Live Streaming App market

Live Streaming Market Component Insights

The live streaming market segmentation, based on components, includes platforms and services. The platforms segment dominated the market.

These platforms provide the infrastructure, tools, and features necessary to stream videos and engage with the audience.

Video stream app platforms play a crucial role in facilitating the broadcasting and distribution of live content.

ideo stream app platforms

Live Streaming Market: Regional Insights

North America is expected to hold a prominent share of the video stream app market.

Europe is also a significant market for live app streaming development, driven by increasing internet penetration and the popularity of online video content.

The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness substantial growth in developing a streaming app. Emerging economies like India and China are significant contributors to the market growth of live mobile application development.

streaming app

Different Types of Live Streaming Apps

Live streaming app development is divided into several categories, each catering to different interests and requirements.

Here are some of the most common types: –

1. Audio Streaming Apps

Audio streaming apps primarily focus on broadcasting audio in real time over the internet.

These streaming development applications allow users to listen to on-demand music, podcasts, and other audio content.

2. Live Broadcasting Apps

Live broadcasting apps are top-rated among content creators and media businesses.

Application for broadcast streaming let users broadcast live video and audio recordings to anyone who may access their streams.

Developing a streaming app is largely responsible for the emergence of online influencers and celebrities.

3. On Demand Video Streaming Apps

Video-on-demand (VoD) streaming apps allow users to view their favorite TV series, movies, and other video content online at their comfort and convenience.

Additionally, the video stream app has the option to schedule the shows so they can watch them later.

4. Social Networking Streaming Apps

These streaming development applications create virtual spaces for users to share everyday moments, special occasions, and insights.

These apps enable real-time interactions, allowing users to express live reactions and instant comments and ultimately forging authentic connections.

5. Gaming Streaming Apps

These live streaming applications cater to the gaming community.

They offer streaming applications that showcase exhilarating gameplay, competitions, and tutorials.

Users can immerse themselves in the virtual realm, rooting for their favorite gamers and teams.

6. Professional Networking Streaming Apps

These live streaming apps are tailored for businesses and facilitate webinars, product launches, and industry insights.

Professionals engage in B2B interactions, forging partnerships, and expanding horizons.

7. Fitness and Wellness Streaming Apps

Fitness and wellness stream applications are designed to cater to fitness enthusiasts.

These video stream apps offer live workouts, yoga sessions, and health advice, helping users to break a sweat together, irrespective of the geographical distance.

8. Educational Streaming Apps

Educational streaming channels empower knowledge seekers by offering live classes, workshops, and tutorials.

These streaming apps provide learners access to experts and mentors, fostering a vibrant learning ecosystem.

How to Create a Live Streaming App: A Step-by-Step Process

Live streaming app development and launching is exciting but demands a strategic plan.

Here’s a step-by-step process on how to make a live streaming app: –

Evaluate Your Target Audience

Conduct interviews and gather feedback from potential users to understand their needs and identify upcoming challenges.

Conduct Market Research

Understand user preferences, competition, and trends in the live streaming app development space.

Select the Development Methodology

Decide whether to opt for native (iOS and custom Android app development separately) or cross-platform development for cost-effectiveness.

Choose whether to build from scratch or use pre-built frameworks.

Designing UI/UX

Create an immersive user interface that your audience will love to use.

Remember that user experience plays a crucial role in making your app stand out in the live streaming industry.

Incorporate Third-Party Services

Add social media sharing, payment gateways, analytics tools, and other third-party services required for enhanced functionality.

Testing and Optimization

Rigorously test the live stream app across different devices, operating systems, and network conditions. Identify and fix bugs, glitches, and performance issues to ensure a smooth user experience.

Launching the Application

Prepare your app for launch by creating app store listings, optimizing metadata, and generating promotional materials.

Deploy the streaming application to the app store, following their guidelines.

Post Launch Support

Monitor user feedback, analyze cross platform video streaming app performance, and make necessary improvements based on user responses.

Update the app regularly with new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements.

Monetization Approach

Implement your chosen monetization strategies, such as subscription models, in-app purchases, advertisements, or pay-per-view options.

Continuously assess and refine these strategies for optimal revenue generation.

How to Create a Live Streaming App

Key Factors Affecting the Cost of a Live Streaming App

While creating a streaming app opens doors to exciting opportunities, it is essential to understand the various factors that affect live streaming App Development cost.

1. App Complexity

This is the most significant factor affecting the live streaming app cost.

The more complex the features and functionalities you want to include, the higher will be the cost for developing a streaming app

2. App Features

The app’s appearance is heightened by features such as real-time commenting, likes, polls, and audience engagement.

However, these enhancements also bring about increased complexity and, consequently, higher development costs.

3. Application Platform

The platform you choose greatly influences the financial domain. Deciding on a single platform, be it Android or iOS app development services, can reduce development costs.

Yet, reaching a wider audience might require compatibility across both platforms, escalating development efforts and overall expenses.

4. Design Complications

A well-designed and user-friendly interface is essential for any app but can also add to the live streaming cost.

The complexity of the UI/UX design, including animations, custom icons, and unique layouts, will affect the time and resources needed for app development.

5. Development Team

The experience and location of your development team play a significant role in the cost while developing a streaming app.

Hiring a highly experienced team from a developed country will likely be more expensive than working with a team from a developing country with a lower cost of living.

To understand the process of hiring a developer read our comprehensive post on Extensive guide on how to hire an app developer.

6. Monetization Strategy

How you plan to generate revenue from your app will also influence the cost of developing a app.

Integrating features like in-app purchases, subscriptions, or advertising requires additional development effort and might come with additional fees or licensing costs.

7. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Maintaining and creating a streaming app requires ongoing costs for bug fixes, security updates, and adding new features.

Investigating these ongoing costs is essential when budgeting for your app development.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Live Streaming App?

Gaining insight into the components influencing the development cost of creating a streaming app is crucial for making well-informed decisions.

Let’s explore the elements that shape the cost of building a live streaming app: –

1. Cost of Creating a live streaming app: App Complexity

App Complexity  Estimated Cost (USD) 
Basic   $25,000 – $50,000 
Moderate   $50,000 – $100,000 
Complex   $100,000 + 

2. Cost of building a Live Stream App: Teams’ Location

The location of your application development services company has a big impact on the pricing owing to different cost-of-living standards.

Below is a comparison of Ott app development cost across various regions for an app of average complexity:

Location  Estimated Development Cost (USD) 
USA  $150,000 – $250,000 
UK  $125,000 – $220,000 
Canada  $120,000 – $200,000 
Germany  $110,000 – $190,000 
Australia  $130,000 – $210,000 
India  $50,000 – $120,000 

3. Cost of Creating a Streaming App: App Type

The platform you choose also impacts the overall cost. Here’s a breakdown of live app development costs categorized by platform types: –

App Type  Cost (USD) 
iOS App  $80000 
Android App  $75000 
Cross-platform App  $100000 

It is important to note that Cross-platform app development services operate on both Android and iOS utilizing a unified codebase.)


Live-streaming app development services are a great way for people to stay connected and share their experiences with the world.

With a few simple steps, developers can create an app that provides viewers with an interactive and engaging live-streaming experience. If you have an idea for creating a streaming app, now is a good time to start working on it.

If you need professional developers to help, bring your idea to life, consider reaching out to a live streaming app development company to hire mobile app developers.

Why Choose MAADI to Build a Live Streaming Platform?

Developing a live streaming app is a challenging task that involves combining innovation with user engagement.

While you embark on this journey, it’s important to remember that the expenses incurred are investments in the future success of your app.

Every decision you make will shape the path from basic streaming to interactive features, platform choices, and intricate designs.

At Mobile App Development India (MAADI), we make this journey smoother for you by providing expert guidance tailored to your specific needs for custom streaming software development.

Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or visionary, the fusion of creativity and technology with live streaming android app development is waiting for you to explore.

Are you ready to take the first step? Contact us today for a personalized consultation and cost estimation.

Begin your video streaming app development journey with the best mobile app development company in India and the USA.

FAQS on The Cost of Building a Live Streaming App

What are the benefits of a live streaming web app?

Creating a streaming app provides several benefits to both users and content developers, including: –

  • Real-time interaction
  • Quick access to events
  • Convenience and flexibility
  • Wider reach and scalability
  • Affordable distribution
  • Data insights and analytics
  • Monetization opportunities
  • User-centric content

How much does it cost to build a live streaming app?

The average cost to develop a live streaming app in India is: –

Complexity Level  Estimated Cost (USD) 
Basic  $10,000 – $20,000 
Medium  $30,000 – $50,000 
Advanced  $60,000 – $100,000+ 

What is the Tech Stack required to create a live streaming app?

Here is a list of the most popular technologies that are widely used for building a live streaming web application: –

  • Programming languages- Java, Kotlin, Swift
  • Content delivery network- Amazon CloudFront, Cloudfare
  • Database- Oracle, MySQL
  • API Server- Node.js
  • Hosting- Amazon EC2
  • Streaming protocols- RTMP, WebRTC
  • Media processing platform- Wowza, DaCast
  • Push notification- Firebase notifications
  • Messaging queues- AWS Simple Queue System

How much time does it take to develop a live streaming app?

Depending on the features you would like to add in the app and the complexity of the software, developing the live streaming platform from scratch might take anywhere from 6 to 12 months.